IT Professional Diploma
in Computer Science.jpg)
Flexible Payment Available
በቂ ገንዜብ የሎዎትም? ግማሽ ከፍለው ይመዝገቡ።
What you will learn?
Gain the essential skills to excel in an entry-level IT Job position
Master everyday IT tasks, including assembling computers, configuring wireless networks, installing software, and providing quality customer service.
Exhibit excellent customer service skills essential for effective support.
Be proficient in configuring and troubleshooting networks.
Understand vital security measures to protect systems and data.
Master the art of remote IT support and effective documentation.
Develop proficiency in utilizing various systems, such as Linux, Domain Name Systems, Command-Line Interface, and Binary Code.
Be prepared to pursue a rewarding career in IT support.
About this course
Welcome to our Professional Diploma in information Technology(PDIT) course, specially crafted to cater to the Ethiopian community in Amharic. Whether you're taking your first steps in the IT world. This IT Professional Diploma is designed to equip students with the fundamental and advanced skills needed to excel in the information technology field. This course covers a wide range of topics, including hardware, software, networking, cybersecurity, data analysis, and software development. በአለም ላይ በፍጥነት እያደጉ ካሉ የስራዎች አንዱ በሆነው በኢንፎርሜሽን ቴክኖሎጂ ፕሮፌሽናል ዲፕሎማ ይጀምሩ። ይህ ፕሮግራም የተነደፈው ለትምህርት ቤት ተማሪዎች፣ ለዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎች፣ በግል እና በመንግስት ዘርፎች ላሉ ሰራተኞች፣ ስራ ፈጣሪዎች እና በ IT ውስጥ ሙያቸውን እና ክህሎታቸውን ለማራመድ ለሚፈልጉ ሁሉ ነው። የኢንፎርሜሽን ቴክኖሎጂ ፕሮፌሽናል ዲፕሎማ በሙያ ላይ ያተኮረ፤ ተማሪዎች ጠንካራ የንድፈ ሃሳባዊ እውቀት እና የተግባር ክህሎቶችን እንዲያገኙ የሚረዳ መሰረታዊ እና ወሳኝ ስልጠና ነው።
Key Topics Covered
Learn with Interactive Videos, handout , lab and real world projects
✅IT Fundamentals | ✅Cyber Security |
✅Computer Hardware | ✅Databases |
✅Operating System | ✅Data Analysis |
✅Windows System Admin | ✅Software development |
✅Software | ✅Coding/Programming |
✅Cloud Computing | ✅Web Development |
✅Microsoft365 apps | ✅Troubleshooting |
✅Azure Users & Groups | ✅Customer Service |
✅SharePoint Sites & Lists | ✅Jira & Service Now |
✅Internet Technologies | ✅Professional Skills |
✅Computer Networking | ✅Resume & Interview |
ስልጠናውን ስያጠናቅቁ ይህን ዓይነት የምስክር ወረቀት ያገኛሉ

Start your career with a Professional Diploma in Information Technology, one of the fastest-growing job markets in the world. This program is designed for school leavers, university students, employees in both private and government sectors, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to advance their career and skills in IT. The Professional Diploma in Information Technology offers career-focused guidance and a learning approach that helps students gain both strong theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Why IT Professional
IT support is all about helping people use technology smoothly, from computers and phones to systems and networks. IT support specialists are often responsible for setting up new users with the tech they need, overseeing computer systems, and troubleshooting problems whenever they arise. Any company that uses technology requires IT support, so these skills are in demand across industries. If you like helping people solve problems, particularly issues with technology, then IT support could be the career for you.
IT Support Job demands and Trends in USA
AVG. Entry-level salary: $57,000/Year
Open jobs: 914,100 USA only
How does ArdiLand Compared with Others?
ArdiLand | Other Tech Bootcamp | |
In person/Remote | Remote | Remote/onsite |
Part-time? | ||
Maximum Payment/Tuition | $450 | $5,000-$19,000 |
Certificate | ||
Organization Type | Ethiopian Community | For-profit |
Coaching and Job Search Support |
Throughout this interactive live training, we will cover a wide array of topics, ensuring you gain a well-rounded understanding of IT support essentials. From diagnosing and resolving hardware and software issues to providing top-tier customer service, our course encompasses all facets of IT support, empowering you to be fully prepared for a successful career in this field.
Date/የስልጠና ቀን June 10 , 2024 | Schedule in Eastern Time zone/ሰዓት |
Monday/ሰኞ | 9:00PM-10:30PM Est (በኢትዮጵያ ከማለዳ 11:00-12፡30) |
Wednesday /እሮብ | 9:00PM-10:30PM Est (በኢትዮጵያ ከማለዳ 11:00-12፡30) |
Friday/ አርብ | 9:00PM-10:30PM Est (በኢትዮጵያ ከማለዳ 11:00-12፡30) |
ወደ አይቲ ፊልድ ለመግባት መከተል ያለብን መንገዶች፡
የተማሪዎች ምስክርነት፡
Suggested by top companies
Top companies suggest this course to their employees and staff.

Computer and Internet Access
Time Commitment
Willingness to Collaborate
Learning Environment (distraction-free)
Supporting Courses
The following courses are provided to you at no additional cost when you enroll in this course.
Basic Computer Skills and IT Essentials for Beginners
Fundamentals of SharePoint in Amharic for Ethiopians | Free Training
Related Courses
Comments (6)

How to start learning

Hi Adugna I registered today for the tomorrow class and I checked the my courses but I didn't see any courses it's show's me like kind of this massage "No, purchased course!" why ?
and are going send us link to the tomorrow live class?

Hi Eyob,
If you've bought the course through installment payments, please find it on your dashboard's left navigation under "Financial >Installment." Thank you!

Hi Adugna
Where is the link to join the class today?

Am so excited cause this is my first time IT course meanwhile I have a suggestion if it’s possible can you switch to Thursday instead of Wednesday or if not possible can you do starting time one hour ahead 9:30 to 10:30 all I asked to change if it’s possible & everyone agree on it if not I almost missed Wednesday class cause I finished my work 10:30

Hi Tesfalidet,
Thank you for asking, Live training time and date will be determined by majority decision on the first day.

I can't wait to join the class.

Hi Kidist,
So excited to hear that you're looking forward to live training! See you there!
Live Class Schedule
Transitioning to IT or starting an IT career can be a great way to improve your job satisfaction, salary, and career advancement opportunities.
What does an IT Support Specialist Do?
Creating a full IT Infrastructure picture in your mind
you can start by identifying the different components of an IT Infrastructure. These components can be broken down into three main categories: hardware, software, and networking.
Six common logic gates
New terms and their definitions
This section focuses on a computer's internal hardware components and their collaboration. You'll learn their functions, how they work together, and even how to build a computer from scratch. The main objectives include understanding the core computer components and their interaction, grasping the CPU's instruction execution, and comprehending the physical pathways for binary data within the computer.
Supplemental Reading on Connector Types
Visit IT-Pro Workplace & Learn hardware Parts
Installing Hardware Parts with Virtual Desktop
Supplemental Reading for CPUs
Supplemental Reading for Data Storage
how to select the correct power supply for a personal computer (PC)
View/Downloads/ print Presentation Slide
New terms and their definitions:
entry-level IT jobs
In this course section, we'll familiarize ourselves with operating systems. We'll cover prevalent operating systems, their hardware interactions, and startup processes. You'll learn to install Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X from the ground up, directly interacting with Windows and Linux by module's end. Key objectives include grasping core operating system components, comprehending the boot process, installing an operating system, and creating files in Windows and Linux.
the purpose and features of computer software
Functions of Operating Systems
The various methods you can use to boot a computer.
various methods you can use to boot a computer.
Old monitor display resolution
Database that stores configuration settings
Supplemental Reading for ReFS File System
Supplemental Reading for Chrome OS
Key terms
Which Operating System Should You Choose for Your Next PC?
To learn more about Ubuntu
window 10/11
New terms and their definitions: ch3 & 4
Management and security features
Windows interface components
Windows File Management
File Permissions
New Technology File System (NTFS)
Use Windows PowerShell & Linux Shell Commands
Essential Tasks for IT Support in Active Directory
This course section covers computer software, including its types and management. You'll learn software installation, updates, and removal on Windows and Linux. Key objectives: installing on both systems, understanding software components, and grasping computer instruction processing.
you will learn about a variety of scripting languages, their uses, and their risks.
The process of assigning unique version names or numbers to unique states of computer software.
Access your dev accoiunt
Set up Microsoft 365 Business Basic
he use of remote services hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data.
Service where a company offers a subscription to use a particular piece of software delivered over the internet.
Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Google Cloud Platform, Apple's iCloud, and Dropbox
Fast typing speeds up data entry, document creation, and overall computer interaction, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.
New terms and their definitions
system support jobs
he Internet of Things
send and receive data on a global system of interconnected devices.
program or app that uses the Internet and a web browser to complete a task
popular ways to share information online.
middle ground that provides extra security, privacy, and protection for the end user
you practice using search engines, navigating web pages, and configuring basic browser settings
How to Navigation Website
The sharing of information, data, ideas, or words over the internet
browser security and troubleshooting features.
Powerful and dynamic field that leverages online platforms to promote products or services
The activity of giving tasks to a large group of people or to the general public
way for people to interact with each other on the Internet.
common careers that focus on internet technology.
In this chapter, we explore computer networking, covering Internet history, "The Web, and its future. also you'll understand how Internet working, its global effects, and key concepts like networking basics and data transmission across the Internet.
computer systems that are interconnected to share information with each other.
network of connected devices localized in a single physical location
Internet Service
You can think of a network address in the same way as a mailing address.
Internet Protocol facts
Dividing your network efficiently
uses a public internet connection to create a private network that shields the user's data from others.
a network management protocol that handles assigning IP addresses on a network
IIEEE 802 Standards
CRUD operations—Create, Read, Update, and Delete.
Fix Networks issue
Your Arsenal for a Healthy Network
Workgroup vs Domain Networks
New terms and their definitions:
the topic of networking careers.
To protect digital information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
The protection of an individual's information that is used or created while using the Internet on a computer or personal device.
Thieves who steal other people's personal and financial information for their own personal gain.
The process of proving you are who you say you are.
The process of specifying the actions a user can perform once they've authenticated.
the process of transforming readable data (plaintext) into an unreadable
Password habits
Device Security Facts
Safeguard online transactions
Malware detection & removal
Enable or Disable Windows Defender Firewall
One of the most important responsibilities of an organization
The procedures and processes for mitigating loss of systems
Redundant array of independent disks
The topic of backup considerations.
Disasters can include fires, earthquakes, and hurricanes.
Top level IT security positions
SQL and SSMS installation step by step Guide
Structured query language (SQL)
IT jobs require specific skills related to databases.
Understanding the role and importance of data analysis.
Identifying different data sources, cleaning data, such as removing duplicates and handling missing values, transforming and organizing data for analysis.
Calculating mean, median, and mode, Understanding range, variance, and standard deviation, Creating simple charts and graphs to summarize data.
Basic functions and formulas, pivot tables, and data visualization with Excel, Power BI & Tableau
Examining relationships between two variables. and Creating visualizations to explore data patterns and relationships.
Techniques for summarizing and presenting data findings
The process of designing, creating, and maintaining software applications
overview of computer programming.
Important terms related to computer programming.
A program gives step-by-step instructions to the computer.
The history of computer programming
steps of process to solve problem
instruct a computer on how and when to perform certain tasks.
a method used to solve a problem or perform a task.
a set of programming tools that work together to make a programmer's job easier.
Application Programming Interfaces
You will utilize the random function in Python
three web design languages HTML,CSS & JavaScript.
the root of an HTML document.
you will use an online JavaScript code generator to create a clickable button
Open Vs code and start Your labwork
a promising career for anyone who learns to write code.
In this part, we'll cover troubleshooting, customer support, and empathy in tech roles. Real scenarios will help you grasp these skills, along with the importance of documentation. By the module's end, you'll master effective troubleshooting, customer empathy, and clear communication through documentation.
ultra-practical guide to troubleshoot and resolve issues.
Proper documentation paints a clear picture, saving everyone time and headaches
useful Computer Terms you Must know
Helping Hands, Happy Hearts: Serving Customers Right
Happy Customers, Thriving Business: The Satisfaction Equation
Speaking Clearly, Connecting Deeply: Mastering the Art of Customer Communication
Building a Customer-Centric Foundation
Mastering the Art of De-escalation
Two sides of the same coin when it comes to keeping your customers happy
Common live chat situations.
Sample call for Technical Support
the first impression that companies have of you
short description of yourself.
Identifying, using, and connecting hardware components and devices
identify and install different RAM types.
Motherboards, Central Processing Units (CPUs), and Add-on Cards
Power supplies convert AC power to the DC power that computer components run on
a short review sheet for the exam
Get Google IT Support Professional Certificate
the most popular IT support exams and certifications:

Reviews (17)

How to start learning